
TruConversion is an all-in-one analytics and optimization platform designed to help businesses improve their website performance and increase conversions. With features like heatmaps, session recordings, funnel analysis, and customer feedback tools, TruConversion enables companies to gain deep insights into visitor behavior and make data-driven decisions to enhance user experience and boost sales. As an official TruConversion reseller, Celestial Digital Services can grant a minimum 20% discount on any pricing currently displayed on the TruConversion website.

Analytics and Insights Tools

Comprehensive analytics tools form the backbone of TruConversion’s offering, providing businesses with powerful insights into visitor behavior. Heatmaps visually represent user interactions, highlighting areas of high engagement on web pages. Session recordings allow for detailed analysis of individual user journeys, offering a firsthand view of how visitors navigate the site. The platform’s Smart Funnels feature stands out by simplifying funnel tracking and analysis, enabling businesses to quickly identify conversion bottlenecks and optimize their sales processes3. These tools collectively empower companies to make data-driven decisions, enhancing user experience and ultimately boosting conversion rates.

Form and Survey Features

Form analytics and survey tools provide crucial insights into user interactions and feedback. Detailed form field reports reveal which fields cause abandonment, allowing businesses to optimize for higher completion rates. Micro-surveys can be strategically deployed to gather quick feedback on specific page elements, while comprehensive customer surveys help benchmark performance and inform new initiatives. These features enable companies to collect valuable testimonials, identify UX issues, and make data-driven improvements to their websites and applications.

User-Friendly Interface

The platform’s intuitive design prioritizes ease of use, allowing businesses to quickly implement and leverage its powerful features. With a simple installation process requiring just a single code snippet, users can start gathering insights almost immediately. The visual interface simplifies the creation of funnels and data analysis, making it accessible even to those without extensive technical expertise2. Advanced filtering options enable users to drill down into specific data segments, providing granular insights for targeted optimizations. This user-friendly approach ensures that businesses can efficiently harness TruConversion’s capabilities to improve their website performance and conversion rates.

Multi-Site Analysis Capability

Supporting multiple domains under a single account, this feature allows businesses to efficiently manage and analyze various web properties simultaneously. This capability is particularly valuable for agencies handling multiple client websites or companies with diverse online portfolios. Users can seamlessly switch between different domains, comparing performance metrics and applying insights across various properties. The multi-site analysis feature streamlines the optimization process, enabling businesses to implement successful strategies across their entire web presence while maintaining a centralized view of all analytics data.